Friday, June 09, 2006

Walmart is better than Welfare

Walmart has been the best thing to happen to low-income families since, well, sliced bread. They provide products at low, low prices that these families would normally not be able to buy or lose a good chunk of their pay check to. How liberals have turned Walmart into an idea that is worse than Satan-Worship I will never know.

Now, Walmart has done it again. They are providing tasty, healthier food to our country's low-income families (yours truly included) at low, low prices. They are doing this by introducing organic food at its stores. The WSJ has a great piece regarding this development. In the piece, Ms. Ward describes how the 'original' ogranic movement is upset that people don't have to spend $10 for a piece of organic lettuce at Whole Foods anymore. They disguise their argument by saying that the organic movement has sold out to big corporations. However, they should rejoice. People are demanding it and therefore big business is responding. If these liberal elites want everyone to live healthy lifestyles then they should support the only portion of society that can deliver organic food to rich and poor alike, big business. Wal-mart's CEO put it best with the following quote that closes Ms. Ward's piece...
"We don't think you should have to have a lot of money to feed your family
organic foods," Wal-Mart's CEO has said. To some, this sounds like a
threat--especially to the ethical eating elites who will have to find new ways
of distinguishing themselves from the hoi polloi--but for most of us it sounds
like good news about better food.

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