Monday, February 12, 2007

Religious Freedom

Regarding school choice, I would also like to highlight the lack of religious freedom in this country. Because children must go to secular public schools, children are forced to spend most of their day not pursuing religious education. However, if that child is Muslim or Jewish, he should be able to pray 3-5 times a day. By forcing children into public schools (unless you are wealthy and can afford parochial education), the state is denying their right to practice their own religion.

I believe in the separation of church and state; however, that idea should not restrict religious freedom. I would love to send my children (god-willing one day) to Jewish day school. However, because I am not rich I will not be able to.

What does a country without school choice say to its citizens? "Unless you are rich, you can not give your child a religious education." I think this is an affront to freedom.

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