Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lower Taxes Work

Many thanks to my wonderful cousin for forwarding this WSJ editorial highlighting the benefits of lower taxes. I might add that lower taxes put pressure on Congress to do something about run-away spending. While I have little confidence in Democrats, I hope they can succeed in winning the fight on the other side of the ledger, Government Expenditures.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Great Comment in the WSJ

The following appeared the "Letters to the Editor" section of the WSJ...

I was surprised to learn from your editorial that Hugo Chávez is allowed to sell oil to Joe Kennedy's Citizens Energy Corp. at a 40% discount. Surely a price this far below market runs afoul of the "antidumping" policies beloved by many in Mr. Kennedy's party. Shouldn't the American public be protected from lower prices on oil in the same way they've been protected from lower prices on bicycles, frozen concentrated orange juice, tissue paper, footwear, fishing tackle, hot-rolled carbon steel, televisions, replacement windshields, shrimp and several hundred other imported items. If Democrats allow lower prices here, they may even have to tolerate Wal-Mart.

Bruce E. Ikawa
Professor of Business and Economics Hillsdale College
Hillsdale, Mich.

Thank you to Don Boudreaux for posting this on his blog.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

What is Capitalism?

It is captured in this video!